Joyful Service: A Lesson from a Little One

He is five years old and has been attending our church whenever possible with his father. On one particular Sunday, he was called forward to assist the other children in taking the offering.

As I called his name, requesting that he come forward, he first looked to his father for the familiar nod of permission to approach the front of the church. When he joined the other children, his smile was as wide as a river. After receiving my instructions and learning what he was about to do, he turned once more to glance back at his father.

I noticed not only the little boy smiling, but also his father, who radiated joy and pride. Each time we, as children of God, are given the opportunity to serve our Savior, Jesus Christ, it should fill our hearts with gladness. Surely, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit rejoice as well when we are obedient servants.

Psalm 119:2 states, "Blessed are those who keep His statutes and seek Him with all their heart." May we continue to obey Him and His Word—and smile along the way!


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