Answering Jesus' Call: Moving from Distance to Closer Relationship

Remember Zacchaeus? He didn’t have to be called to climb up into the tree, but Jesus called him to come down.

Zacchaeus climbed the tree to see Jesus from a distance, but Jesus called him down to restore the relationship and bring him closer.

In life, it’s easy to want to watch from afar. But Jesus calls us to draw closer.

When we stay distant, we can avoid the accountability that comes with a deeper relationship. To live a fruitful life and have a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, we must listen to His call and get involved.

It’s not just about keeping a safe distance; it’s about heeding Jesus’ call to be closer to Him and others.

This truth isn’t just for me – it’s for you too!

So, are you keeping your distance from where you should be? Have you heard Jesus’ call to come closer?

"When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.'" - Luke 19:5


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