Upholding the Timeless Truth of God’s Word
God must get tired at times of people who take His divine, holy Word and twist it or turn it into what they may think or desire. Often, people try to justify their sinful lifestyles by saying that the Bible is outdated or incorrect. Others will tell you that "things were different back then." Well, be careful. Deuteronomy 4:2 states, "Do not add to what I command you to do, and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you." God is holy and just, but He is also unchanging. His words are true today and will be true tomorrow. Any society that sets its own agenda or rules that are not based on the Word of God will crumble and not stand. This is true for you and me as individuals. We must make a decision to rely on and work at upholding the Word of God in its entirety, or we will reject it entirely.
Standing on the firm foundation of the Word of God is what the early Christians did. Many of them faced significant difficulties because of it, but the eternal rewards they received for their faithfulness far outweighed the challenges they experienced.
You may feel like you are being thrown into the den of lions, but God can still shut their mouths. And if, by chance, He does not shut their mouths as He did in the life of Daniel, He is no less God, and you are no less a servant of His. God will bless His servants, as made clear in Jeremiah 17:7: "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord."
May we strive to accept and follow all of His Word daily.