The Power of Repetition: Lessons from Abraham's Mistakes
Repeating things can be both good and bad. I love reliving great times with friends, but I certainly dislike repeating mistakes and missteps.
Take Abraham, for example. He made the same mistake twice. In Genesis 12, he and his wife, Sarah, agreed that she would pose as his sister instead of being known as his wife. Then, in Genesis 20, while moving to the region of Negev, they made the same choice again. Abraham lied and attempted to deceive others.
What resonates with me is that this great man of God sinned not just once, but twice. This gives me hope. If Abraham, despite his repeated mistakes, was still used mightily by God, then perhaps there is hope for me too, despite my own failures.
When I pray, I often struggle with the idea that God can truly make a difference through someone like me. I believe that many biblical figures, including Abraham, likely felt the same way.
God desires to awaken us from our self-centered pity parties and feelings of unworthiness, and to do something significant within and through us! While God may not have condoned Abraham’s lies about his wife, He never gave up on him. In fact, God repeatedly forgave Abraham, lifted him up, and continued to work with him.
God wants to do the same for you and me. We must remember this truth from time to time. Embrace the hope that comes from God's unwavering grace, even in the face of our repeated mistakes.