Jesus: The Only Endorsement That Matters
Political endorsements are everywhere during an election cycle. From endorsements by powerful, influential figures to simple bumper stickers and signs in the yards of humble thinkers, the landscape is saturated. News media and Facebook are constantly filled with various opinions, statements, and videos supporting one candidate or another.
We love to share our opinions and ideas, often finding ourselves in debates about why one person is supposedly better than the other.
In Scripture, the disciples who walked and talked with Jesus were instructed to endorse the one true Savior, Jesus Christ, and to work hard to encourage others to follow Him. If we look back to the Old Testament, we find countless endorsements made by different individuals and groups. Heated debates occurred between Moses and Pharaoh about which God should be followed. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, and many of those prophets lost their lives due to their commitment to a pagan god.
Today, Christians around the world are suffering and even dying because of their endorsement of Jesus Christ as Lord.
We must prepare ourselves, because if we take our responsibility as Christians seriously and endorse Jesus Christ, we will face difficulties and challenges. Jesus said in Matthew 10:22, "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." Peter wrote in 1 Peter 4:16, "...if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."
None of us like to be rejected or hurt; however, endorsing Jesus Christ above all others will provoke a response, and sometimes that response will not be favorable. Nevertheless, an endorsement of Jesus Christ can have an eternal impact, which is far more important than who will be president for a few years or a congressman for a term.
Many people become anxious during the election cycle, worrying about who will win or lose. Yet, time and again, we are reminded not to be afraid. We stand in churches and say, "He’s (God) got this, because we have laid it at His feet and prayed for His will to be done." But then we step outside and feel compelled to endorse our candidate at all costs.
Call me simple, but I, along with Spiritual Spotlights, share the only endorsement that truly matters: Jesus Christ.
I wonder if we will invest as much time, energy, and even money into endorsing Jesus Christ as we do in supporting a political candidate we "think" we know.